Commercial Auto Insurance in Calgary

As a thriving business in Calgary, your company’s success relies heavily on the smooth and efficient operation of its vehicles. Whether you operate a small fleet or a larger one, ensuring the utmost protection for your valuable assets and employees is crucial. This is where commercial auto insurance from BrokerLink comes in. As your trusted local insurance brokerage, our Calgary insurance brokers understand the unique challenges businesses face in this vibrant city.


Calgary commercial vehicle insurance

Commercial auto insurance is a vital aspect of protecting Calgary businesses that rely on vehicles to conduct their day-to-day operations. Whether it’s a small business with a single delivery van or a larger enterprise managing a fleet of trucks, having the right business auto insurance coverage is essential. Operating vehicles for business purposes comes with inherent risks, and without adequate insurance protection, businesses may be exposed to financial liabilities that could jeopardize their stability and success.

The types of auto insurance coverage offered by commercial car insurance in Calgary typically include the following:

Third-party liability coverage

First and foremost, third-party liability coverage is a fundamental component of any commercial auto insurance policy. It protects businesses from potential lawsuits and financial losses resulting from bodily injury or property damage caused by their vehicles to third parties in an accident for which the business is at fault. In Calgary,, commercial car insurance policies must include at least $200,000 in third-party liability coverage. Nonetheless, it is strongly recommended to carry a minimum of $2,000,000 in third-party liability coverage to guarantee ample protection for your business.

Direct compensation-property damage

In terms of commercial car insurance in Calgary, DCPD coverage offers a direct path to claim compensation for your vehicle’s damage in not-at-fault or partially-at-fault collisions. This coverage streamlines the claims process, allowing you to receive compensation from your insurer instead of pursuing the at-fault driver’s coverage. If entirely at the fault of the other party, DCPD covers the full damage claim. For shared fault, it covers the portion not at fault. This efficient approach ensures you’re compensated for vehicle damage while adhering to Calgary’s DCPD system.

Accident benefits coverage

Accident benefits coverage is an important inclusion that provides compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation, and income replacement for drivers and passengers injured in an accident, regardless of fault. This coverage ensures that those affected by an accident can access necessary medical and financial support during their recovery.

Collision coverage and/or comprehensive coverage

Another critical coverage component is physical damage coverage, which is divided into optional comprehensive and collision coverage. Comprehensive coverage protects business vehicles from damage or loss due to non-collision events such as theft, vandalism, fire, natural disasters, falling objects, or striking an animal.

On the other hand, collision coverage provides protection when one of your insured employees is involved in an accident with another vehicle or an object on the road. It covers the cost of repairing or replacing the insured vehicles.

Uninsured motorist coverage

Uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage is designed to protect businesses when their vehicles are involved in an accident with a driver who does not have sufficient insurance coverage. This type of coverage ensures that the business is not left responsible for damages caused by an underinsured or uninsured driver. This coverage can also offer protection in the event that the accident occurs with a driver who is not identified, such as in the event of a hit and run.

Accident forgiveness coverage

When added as an endorsement to your auto insurance plan, accident forgiveness coverage acts as a protective measure for your driving record, helping to prevent potential premium increases after an at-fault accident claim.

Attached equipment and vehicle modifications coverage

For businesses that have added specialized equipment or modifications to their vehicles , such as winches, fuel tanks, and toolboxes, this coverage provides protection in case of damage or theft of these additions. It is essential you inform your insurance company about any additional equipment or modifications in your commercial vehicle, as neglecting to do so may lead to inadequate compensation or even claim denial. Be transparent with your provider to avoid coverage gaps and claim-related issues.

Commercial trailer coverage

Commercial trailer coverage offers insurance protection tailored specifically for trailers used in Calgary business operations. This type of coverage provides protection for both physical damage and liability coverage. Even trailers that are not owned but are still used for business purposes can be added as “non-owned trailers” to ensure sufficient liability coverage.

Here at BrokerLink, we are committed to delivering personalized commercial vehicle insurance solutions to match your Calgary business needs. Our knowledgeable team offers dependable advice, empowering you to make well-informed decisions. Whether you are seeking to purchase new commercial automobile insurance or renew your existing insurance policy, rest assured that we have you covered. Contact BrokerLink today to experience peace of mind and find the ideal protection for your business.

Who needs commercial auto insurance in Calgary?

Commercial auto insurance is a valuable asset for businesses operating in Calgary, regardless of their size or industry. Whether you’re a small family-owned venture with a single delivery van or a large corporation with an extensive fleet of vehicles, this insurance is tailored to cater to your distinct requirements. Even startups and small businesses that rely on a single commercial vehicle can benefit from the protection offered by an individual commercial car insurance policy, ensuring they are adequately covered while conducting their operations in the city.

On the other hand, well-established companies or those with multiple vehicles may opt for a more streamlined approach by consolidating their insurance needs with fleet insurance. With fleet insurance, businesses can insure their entire group of vehicles under a single policy, leading to reduced paperwork and potential cost savings compared to insuring each vehicle individually. This approach proves particularly beneficial for Calgary businesses with numerous drivers and vehicles, as it simplifies the management of insurance coverage and offers greater convenience.

Commercial auto insurance offers an array of benefits akin to personal insurance policies. It offers comprehensive coverage for drivers, passengers, and vehicles, shielding business owners from potential financial setbacks resulting from unforeseen incidents. Hence, this insurance is well-suited for various Calgary businesses, including delivery companies, warehouses, retail stores, and food trucks, among others. Regardless of the industry, businesses that heavily rely on vehicles can find security and peace of mind through commercial auto insurance.

What is the difference between commercial auto insurance and commercial fleet insurance?

Commercial auto insurance and commercial fleet insurance are two different types of insurance coverage designed to protect vehicles used for business purposes. Here are the key differences between the two:

Commercial auto insurance

Commercial auto insurance is designed to cover individual vehicles used for business purposes. It is suitable for businesses that have a limited number of vehicles or use vehicles on a smaller scale for their operations. This type of insurance covers specific vehicles, similar to personal auto insurance, but with business-related coverage extensions.

With commercial auto insurance, each vehicle is insured individually, and policy management is handled on a vehicle-by-vehicle basis. If the business owns multiple vehicles, it means managing multiple insurance policies.

Furthermore, commercial auto insurance is typically calculated based on the specific characteristics and usage of each insured vehicle. Premiums may vary for different vehicles within the business’s fleet. In addition, policies can be customized to fit the specific needs of each individual vehicle, considering factors like usage, location, and risk profile.

Commercial fleet insurance

Commercial fleet insurance, on the other hand, is intended to protect a fleet of commercial vehicles operated by a business. It is well-suited for businesses that maintain a larger number of vehicles, such as delivery companies, transportation services, or construction firms. Instead of insuring each vehicle separately, commercial fleet insurance offers a consolidated policy that covers all vehicles in the fleet under one plan.

Commercial fleet insurance streamlines policy management by consolidating coverage for all vehicles under a single policy. This simplifies administrative tasks and allows for easier tracking and renewal of insurance for the entire fleet.

Furthermore, commercial fleet insurance is generally more cost-effective compared to insuring each vehicle separately. Insuring multiple vehicles under a single policy may lead to potential cost savings for the business. Plus, it allows for tailored coverage to meet the overall needs of the entire fleet while also considering the unique characteristics of each vehicle.

So while commercial auto insurance is designed for businesses with a smaller number of vehicles, commercial fleet insurance is suitable for businesses with a larger fleet. To learn more about commercial fleet insurance requirements, speak with a BrokerLink insurance broker today.


How much does commercial auto insurance cost?

The cost of commercial auto insurance in Calgary can vary significantly depending on several factors. Insurance providers consider various aspects to calculate premiums for commercial auto insurance policies. Some of the key factors that can influence the cost of commercial auto insurance in Calgary include:

  • The nature of your business and the industry you operate in.
  • The number of commercial vehicles your business owns and operates.
  • The make, model, and year of your vehicles.
  • How your commercial vehicles are used, the distance they travel, and the locations they frequent.
  • The driving records of your employees who operate the vehicles.
  • The extent of coverage you choose, such as liability limits and deductibles.
  • Your business’s previous claim history.
  • The size and location of your business.
  • The annual mileage of each business vehicle.
  • The type of safety measures and risk management practices your business implements.

Due to the many variables involved, it is best to speak with a licensed insurance expert to determine the exact cost of commercial auto insurance in Calgary. Call BrokerLink today to speak with someone about how to insure your business vehicles to meet all your business needs.


Why is the price of car insurance so high in Calgary?

Car insurance premiums in Calgary can be higher compared to other regions for several reasons. Insurance companies will consider many factors when determining the price of a business’s commercial vehicle insurance premiums. Individual driver factors, such as age, driving record, and experience, are significant contributors to insurance costs. For example, if you employ younger drivers , especially those with limited experience, they tend to face higher premiums due to their higher risk profile. Similarly, drivers with previous traffic violations or accidents may incur additional surcharges.

Insurance companies also consider the number of vehicles being used as well as their make and model, as expensive or luxury cars typically come with higher insurance costs due to their higher repair costs and attractiveness to thieves. Other common factors include the nature of the business and its industry, the business’s size and geographical location, the annual mileage covered, driving records of the employees operating the vehicles, and the safety measures and risk management practices implemented by the business. But does car insurance actually cost more in Calgary than in other regions?

Yes. Calgary residents often grapple with the reality of higher car insurance premiums compared to other regions. In addition to the general factors that influence car insurance rates, several specific elements have a significant impact on residents’ insurance rates as well. As a bustling urban center with a rapidly growing population and unique weather conditions, Calgary presents its own set of challenges for insurers and drivers alike. That’s why the team at BrokerLink feels it’s important to help our customers understand the factors that contribute to the increase and to shed light on why car insurance is so high in Calgary. As such, our expert insurance brokers have put together the following list of factors that impact the higher price of car insurance in Calgary:

High traffic and accident rates

One significant factor is the high traffic and accident rates in the city. Calgary is a rapidly growing urban center with a substantial population, leading to increased traffic congestion and a higher probability of accidents. The higher accident rates translate to increased risk for insurance companies, which, in turn, results in higher insurance costs for drivers.

Extreme weather conditions

Additionally, Calgary’s extreme weather conditions contribute to higher insurance premiums. The city experiences harsh winters with heavy snowfall and icy roads, as well as hailstorms during certain seasons. These adverse weather conditions increase the likelihood of accidents and vehicle damage, leading insurers to adjust premiums to account for the heightened risk.

Higher auto theft rates

Auto theft rates in Calgary also play a role in driving up insurance costs. The city has faced challenges with vehicle theft, making it a riskier place in terms of car theft incidents. Insurance companies consider theft rates when determining premiums, and areas with higher theft rates tend to have higher insurance costs.

High costs for vehicle repairs

The cost of vehicle repairs and medical expenses following accidents is another factor impacting car insurance rates in Calgary. The cost of parts and medical services in the city can be higher compared to other regions, influencing the overall expenses for insurers and affecting premium calculations.

Insurance regulations

Regulatory factors also influence Calgary’s insurance market. Alberta has a private auto insurance market, and the competition among insurance companies can lead to varying rates. Some insurers may have higher premiums due to their specific underwriting practices and risk assessments.

Fraud and insurance claims

Furthermore, instances of insurance fraud and exaggerated claims can contribute to increased insurance costs in the city. Fraudulent claims lead to higher expenses for insurance companies, which are eventually passed on to policyholders in the form of higher premiums.

Demographics and driver profiles

Finally, demographics and driver profiles also play a role in determining insurance rates. Factors such as age, driving experience, past driving records, and the composition of the city’s population can influence premium calculations.

How to save money on commercial car insurance in Calgary

At BrokerLink, we recognize the significance of managing your business costs effectively. That’s why we’ve compiled an expert list of money-saving tips to jumpstart your savings journey. By incorporating these tactics and staying proactive in handling your commercial auto insurance policy, you can significantly reduce costs while still ensuring comprehensive protection for your business against potential risks on the road:

Choose higher deductibles

A deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. Opting for higher deductibles can lower your premium. However, make sure you can afford to pay the deductible if you need to make a claim.

Bundle policies

Many insurance companies offer discounts when you purchase multiple policies from them. Consider bundling your commercial car insurance with other business insurance policies like general liability, property insurance, or business interruption insurance.

Consider fleet insurance

If your business owns multiple vehicles, fleet insurance may be a cost-effective option. Fleet insurance provides coverage for all vehicles under one policy, simplifying administration and potentially reducing premiums with a multi-vehicle discount .

Maintain a good driving record

Insurance companies reward safe driving . Encourage your employees to follow traffic rules, attend defensive driving courses, and prioritize safety while operating company vehicles. A history of accidents or traffic violations can increase insurance premiums.

Consider telematics devices

Certain insurers provide telematics programs that track driving behaviour. By practicing safe driving habits, such as avoiding abrupt stops and maintaining appropriate speeds, you may be eligible for potential premium discounts.

Use hybrid or electric vehicles (EVs)

Incorporating hybrids or electric vehicles (EVs) into your commercial fleet can result in reduced insurance premiums. These vehicles come equipped with advanced safety features that decrease the likelihood of accidents, thereby making them more affordable to insure. Moreover, certain provinces offer incentives to businesses that opt for eco-friendly vehicles, contributing to overall cost savings on insurance premiums.

Implement risk management practices

Show insurers that your business is proactive in managing risks by implementing a comprehensive risk management program. This can include regular vehicle maintenance, driver training, and safety protocols.

Review coverage periodically

As your business evolves, its insurance needs may change. Periodically review your coverage to ensure it aligns with your current business operations and risks. Adjusting coverage as needed can prevent overpaying for unnecessary insurance.

Swap to winter tires in the colder months

Installing winter tires on your business vehicles can potentially earn you a winter tire insurance discount . Winter tires enhance road safety, reduce the risk of accidents, and may result in lower insurance premiums.

Partner with a BrokerLink insurance broker

BrokerLink is your trusted full-service insurance brokerage, dedicated to delivering outstanding service to all our clients. Our team is committed to making the insurance shopping experience seamless and hassle-free. With the help of our knowledgeable insurance brokers, you can count on us to compare costs and find the most competitive coverage rates. Our focus is on providing unbiased and well-informed advice, ensuring you have the confidence to make the right decisions for your insurance policy.

Why work with a BrokerLink broker

Since 1991, the BrokerLink team has been dedicated to finding insurance policies that meet the needs and budgets of our customers. We are experts in all things Calgary insurance and can ensure you receive the most competitive rate on your policy.

We’re in your community

Getting involved in the community is a big part of who we are. We live and work in your community. We love meeting our neighbours!

Local Alberta insurance links

If you’re a member of a group or association, you may be eligible for more discounts.

Contact us

At Calgary BrokerLink, we’re here to help you with any insurance needs you may have. Whether it’s insuring your home, car, business, recreational items, travel plans, or pets, let us help you find the best coverage possible.

You can reach us by phone, email, or in person at any one of our locations throughout Alberta. No matter how you choose to get in touch, a BrokerLink insurance advisor will be happy to assist you. We also encourage you to take advantage of our free online quote tool that can provide you with a competitive quote in minutes.


FAQs for commercial auto insurance in Calgary

What does commercial auto insurance cover?

Commercial car insurance covers vehicles used for business purposes and provides protection against accidents, property damage, liability claims, theft, vandalism, and other unforeseen events. It includes various types of coverage, such as third-party liability, direct compensation-property damage, accident benefits, and uninsured automobile coverage. The specific coverage and limits may vary depending on the policy and business needs.

How much is commercial insurance in Alberta?

The cost of commercial insurance in Alberta can vary significantly depending on factors such as the size of the business, the type of industry, the number of vehicles, coverage limits, driving records, and more. It is best to get personalized quotes from insurance providers to determine the exact cost for your specific business needs.

If you have any questions, contact one of our local branches.

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