
Home Insurance in Sarnia

Finding the right home insurance in Sarnia, Ontario, is now simpler with BrokerLink. A BrokerLink insurance broker in Sarnia will quickly match you with the perfect policy. Whether you’re buying your first home insurance policy or switching to a new one, we are here to assist you. Learn more about our home insurance services in Sarnia below.

Home insurance coverage

In Sarnia, there are many types of home insurance, such as vacation property and cottage insurance, condo insurance, tenant and renters insurance, commercial property insurance, and standard homeowner’s insurance. Most home insurance policies include the following standard coverages:

Dwelling coverage

Dwelling coverage is a type of property damage coverage that pays to repair your home if it’s physically damaged. This includes parts of your home like walls, doors, windows, or the foundation. You can file a dwelling coverage claim if these parts are damaged, but the damage must be caused by a covered event or insured peril. Covered events vary by provider and policy, but they usually include the following:

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Smoke
  • Theft
  • Wind
  • Car/aircraft impact
  • Explosion
  • Falling objects

Content(s) coverage

Contents coverage is another standard part of most home insurance plans in Sarnia. While dwelling coverage protects the structure of your home, contents coverage protects what’s inside. This means it offers financial protection if your personal property is damaged or lost. For example, if your TV or laptop is stolen, contents coverage can help pay to replace it. It also covers items like clothing, furniture, other electronics, or some jewellery if they’re damaged in a fire or other covered event.

When choosing a contents coverage limit, make sure it matches the value of your belongings. If the limit is too low, your payout won’t cover everything if you lose it all. If you have many valuable items, BrokerLink insurance advisors recommend carrying high-value home insurance instead. Examples of high-value items include fine jewelry, original artwork, musical instruments, and vintage wine.

Personal liability coverage

Personal liability coverage is another common feature of home insurance in Sarnia. It protects you if someone sues you for property damage or personal injury that occurs on your property. For instance, if someone slips on an icy path at your door and gets injured, they might decide to sue you to cover the cost of physical therapy or missed income if they have to take time off work.

Defending against a lawsuit and paying for medical costs and missed wages can be expensive, but personal liability coverage helps handle these expenses. It also helps cover legal fees and repairs for damage to someone else’s property.

Additional living expenses

Additional living expenses coverage is another common part of home insurance that helps you if you can’t live in your home due to damage covered by your policy, like after a fire or a major storm. This coverage pays for necessary costs when your home is being repaired, and you need to live somewhere else.

It can cover things like hotel bills, meals, and other daily expenses that are more than what you would usually spend. This way, you can maintain a normal life while your home is being fixed without worrying about the extra costs.

Enhanced home insurance protection for Sarnia homeowners

Now that you know what comes in a standard homeowner’s insurance policy, you may be wondering what extra protection you can add to it. You can enhance your Sarnia home insurance with various additional options, like insurance for Airbnb or other accommodations and coverage for home renovations. Learn more about some of the most popular additional coverages that people add to their home insurance plans in Sarnia:

Sewer backup coverage

Sewer backups happen when a pipe gets clogged, stopping sewage and wastewater from flowing out properly. This can cause sewage to back up into your home through sinks, toilets, or other drains. This optional coverage on your policy can cover the costs of water damage if this occurs, saving you from having to pay for the damage yourself.

Equipment breakdown coverage

Equipment breakdown coverage is another popular type of home insurance coverage that many homeowners find helpful. It helps cover the cost of repairing or replacing household equipment that stops working because of mechanical or electrical failure. Common household items that this insurance might cover include dishwashers, dryers, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, furnaces, and ovens. However, it’s important to note that this coverage only covers replacements when the equipment breaks down due to an internal malfunction and not due to normal wear and tear.

Home business coverage

Home business coverage is for those who work from home regularly or run a business from their house. This additional coverage is popular because standard home insurance policies don’t cover business-related activities. So, if you need protection for business losses at your home, you must get a separate commercial insurance policy or add a home business endorsement to your home insurance. This ensures you’re covered for any damages related to your home business.

For example, if a customer or client visits your home, gets injured, and files a liability claim, you would only be covered if you had a home business rider on your insurance.

Furthermore, say you run your own business but choose to keep inventory for the business at home. If someone breaks in and steals your inventory, your regular home insurance coverage won’t cover the loss, either, unless you have home business coverage or a separate commercial insurance policy. If you want to find out more about how home business coverage can help you and your business, reach out to BrokerLink.

Overland water coverage

Another way to protect your Sarnia home from water damage or flooding is to add overland water coverage to your insurance. This is different from sewer backup coverage, as it doesn’t cover sewer-related issues. Instead, overland water coverage protects your home from damage caused by water from nearby lakes or rivers, overflowing water bodies, heavy rain, or rapid snow melting. This can be especially useful for Sarnia residents who live along Lake Huron.

Why do Sarnia residents need home insurance?

Home insurance isn’t required by law in Sarnia or anywhere else in Ontario. However, if you have a mortgage on your home, most mortgage lenders will require you to purchase home insurance as part of your loan agreement. So, if you have a mortgage loan, you may need home insurance. Also, if you are renting your home, your landlord may require you to carry tenant insurance or renters insurance, as landlord insurance does not protect you or your personal property. Finally, if you own a condo, your condo corporation may require you to have condo insurance as their own policy won’t protect you, similar to landlord insurance.

Even if you are not required to have it, basic home insurance in Sarnia covers your home against many risks, such as theft, fires, car accidents, and smoke damage. With this insurance, you don’t have to pay for damages and losses from your own pocket. Instead, you can file a claim, and your insurance provider will give you money to help with the costs. With home insurance, you’ll have peace of mind, knowing you’re protected in case of an emergency.

Home insurance costs in Sarnia

Insurance costs are set individually for each family and household, so your rate might not be the same as your neighbour’s. If you live in Sarnia and are curious about what affects the cost of your insurance, we at BrokerLink think it’s important to be informed. Understanding what goes into the price of your home insurance premiums makes it easier to save money. Below are some of the factors your insurance company may consider:

  • How valuable your home is
  • The age and condition of your home and its roof
  • The contents inside your Sarnia home
  • The type, age, and condition of the heating system that your Sarnia home uses, older systems like oil tanks or wood stoves, may lead to higher premiums
  • The type, age, and condition of the electrical system in your Sarnia home
  • The type, age, and condition of the plumbing system in your Sarnia home
  • How safe and desirable your neighbourhood is
  • How close your Sarnia home is located to emergency services
  • If your home has a pool
  • Whether your Sarnia home is equipped with a security system, and if so, what type of system it has
  • Whether or not you have a mortgage or loan on your home
  • If there are any additional or detached structures on your property that need to be insured
  • Your insurance history and claims history

If you’re in Sarnia and looking for an affordable policy, BrokerLink’s knowledgeable insurance brokers can help. Although insurance prices can vary from home to home, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Our advisors can gather multiple quotes for your home, allowing you to compare and choose the most cost-effective option. Getting a free quote is a quick and easy process. Talking to one of our expert advisors at BrokerLink is a great way to find a price that fits your budget.

Our advice on how to get the best rates for Sarnia home insurance

As you can see, many factors influence your insurance rates. With so many details affecting the final cost, finding a lower price might seem overwhelming. However, thanks to our expert insurance industry knowledge here at BrokerLink, you can trust us to shop around at only the top insurance companies in Sarnia and compare different options with your budget and needs in mind. That’s just what we do.

We do more than find the best home protection for homeowners in Sarnia; we also provide tips on how to save money. Everyone’s situation is unique, and if you’re concerned about your budget, you might be looking for ways to cut down on unnecessary costs, especially if you’re a first-time home buyer. That’s why BrokerLink’s insurance experts have put together the following guide on how to get the best price possible:

Bundle your home and auto insurance

Bundling your home and auto insurance policies is a good way to save money with many insurance companies in Ontario. To lower your costs, think about getting a bundle that includes two or more types of insurance. While not every policy can be bundled, home and car insurance often can. Additionally, by bundling your home and auto insurance in Sarnia, you’ll only have one expiration date to keep track of instead of two! How convenient is that?

Raise your deductible(s)

Choosing higher deductibles for your home insurance is another way to lower your premiums in Sarnia. Since premiums and deductibles are connected, you can reduce your premium cost by increasing your deductible. For instance, if your deductible is currently $500, you might think about raising it to $1,000. This change can lower your premium quickly. This works because higher deductibles mean you’re taking on more of the financial responsibility yourself, which leads to less risk for the insurance company. However, remember that if you make a claim, you’ll need to pay more money out of your own pocket.

Review your coverage frequently and remove unnecessary coverage

To reduce your home insurance costs in Sarnia, it’s a good idea to review your current policy every year and remove any coverage you don’t need anymore. Many people have more coverage or higher limits than necessary, or their deductibles are too low. By updating your policy—whether that’s renewing your coverage, lowering your limits, or raising your deductibles—you can save money.

When it’s time to renew your policy, consider asking a BrokerLink insurance advisor to review it. They can help you determine which coverages are necessary and which ones you could change or drop. They can also help you find a better deal if you want to change your home insurance.

Choose annual instead of monthly payments

Many insurance companies add extra fees for each payment. So, if you choose to pay your home insurance premium once a year instead of monthly, you’ll likely save money.

Pay your home insurance on time

If you decide to pay for your Sarnia home insurance monthly, make sure to pay your bills on time. Late payments can cause your policy to be cancelled, which could make it difficult and more expensive to get insurance later. To keep your costs low, always pay your bills fully and on time!

Avoid filing small claims and maintain your home

One of the best ways to keep your insurance premiums low is to avoid filing claims unless absolutely necessary. You can do this by taking good care of your home, updating important systems through renovations, and fixing small problems on your own before they get bigger. If you don’t file any claims, you might qualify for a significant claims-free discount on your Sarnia home insurance rates!

Invest in a security alarm system

Everyone wants to protect their home from vandals and thieves, and your insurance company is no exception. One effective way to do this is by installing a security alarm system. Some advanced models include camera monitoring, AI-based security features, and more. However, not all systems qualify for a discount, and some may be more expensive than the discount would save you. It’s a good idea to consult with your broker to find the best security system for your home and situation to ensure you can qualify for the insurance discount for home alarm systems.

Add solar panels to your roof

Many insurance companies in Ontario now give discounts to homeowners who install solar panels on their homes. This is because solar panels help save energy and reduce the house’s environmental impact.

Install a sewer backup prevention device or sump pump

Since flood damage can be expensive to repair, installing devices that help prevent it can lower your home insurance costs in Sarnia. For example, homeowners who install sump pumps or sewer backup detectors often receive insurance discounts.

Ask about other available home insurance discounts

When exploring home insurance options, it’s always a good idea to ask about available discounts that could further reduce your premium. Many insurance companies offer various discounts for things like installing security systems, upgrading electrical wiring, or bundling multiple policies. Don’t hesitate to contact your insurance broker or advisor about all possible discounts.

Work with a Sarnia home insurance broker

It’s natural for every homeowner to want the best and most comprehensive insurance, but having too much coverage can lead to unnecessarily high premiums. When you buy insurance directly from a company, they might encourage you to choose more expensive coverage. However, a broker who reviews your coverage regularly can help identify unnecessary areas and suggest where you might not need additional coverage.

At BrokerLink, our licensed brokers are committed to helping you find the best coverage at a reasonable price. When you contact us, we’ll connect you with an insurance advisor who will understand your specific needs and help you find a policy that suits your home and lifestyle. Whether you need insurance for your home, rental, or condo, we’ll compare quotes from top Canadian insurance providers to ensure you get quality coverage at a great price.

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Getting involved in the community is a big part of who we are. We live and work in your community. We love meeting our neighbours!

Contact us

At Sarnia BrokerLink, we’re here to help you with any insurance needs you may have. Whether it’s insuring your home, car, business, recreational items, or pets, let us help you find the best coverage possible.

You can reach us by phone, email, or in person at any one of our locations, like our office on London Road. No matter how you choose to get in touch, a BrokerLink insurance advisor will be happy to assist you. We also encourage you to take advantage of our free online quote tool that can provide you with a competitive quote in minutes.

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FAQs for home insurance Sarnia

Is home insurance mandatory in Sarnia, Ontario?

No, the Ontario government does not require homeowners to have home insurance. However, it’s still very important, and sometimes, you might have to carry it as part of a mortgage, renter, or condo agreement.

How can I acquire cheaper home insurance in Sarnia?

Working with an insurance broker can help you find cheaper insurance because they can compare policies from several insurance companies to find you the best price. If you’re looking to lower your insurance, there are also several strategies you can use. Many insurance companies provide discounts for adding security features like a home alarm system. You might also get a discount for installing a sump pump or a device to prevent sewer backups. Other ways to reduce your premium include choosing higher deductibles, paying your premium annually instead of monthly, and always making your payments on time.

What is not covered by home insurance in Sarnia?

If your Sarnia home has been empty for 30 days or more, your insurance will not cover damage unless you have added a vacant insurance rider. You’re also not covered for damage related to rentals or home sharing unless you have specific insurance for it. Your Sarnia home insurance won’t cover damage caused by wear and tear or neglect, which is standard for all policies. Finally, if your home is damaged due to business activities or renovations, you need specific home business or renovation insurance to be covered.

I rent my home in Sarnia, do I need insurance?

No, the government in Ontario doesn’t require home insurance in Sarnia. However, many renters opt for tenant insurance because their landlord’s insurance won’t cover their personal belongings or liability. If you want to understand more about how tenant or renters insurance works, speak to an insurance expert in your area.

If you have any questions, contact one of our local branches.