
Tenant Insurance in Newfoundland and Labrador

If you’re looking at renting a place in Newfoundland and want to keep your property safe from damage or yourself from personal liability, it’s time to consider purchasing a tenant insurance policy. Having this type of insurance is like having Newfoundland home insurance, but it’s made specifically for people who rent and do not own their homes. Here at Brokerlink, we can help you find the perfect policy for you.

Newfoundland tenant insurance defined

Tenant insurance, also known as renters insurance, is a kind of home insurance made for people who rent their homes in Newfoundland. It’s a lot like insurance for homeowners, but it doesn’t cover the actual building. That’s because landlords who own the building have their own insurance for that. Since renters don’t own their place, they don’t need to insure the building itself. This is because landlords and tenants have different responsibilities.

So, what does tenant insurance cover? In Newfoundland, the basic package generally comes with three main parts: liability insurance, which covers costs if you accidentally harm someone or damage their property; contents insurance, which pays to replace your personal property if it gets stolen or damaged; and additional living expenses insurance, which helps cover the cost of living somewhere else if your rental gets damaged and you can’t stay there. With these coverages, you can protect yourself, parts of your rental property, and everything in it.

Do you require tenant insurance in Newfoundland?

You might be thinking: Do I need tenant insurance in Newfoundland?

In Newfoundland, there’s no law saying you must have tenant insurance. However, your rental agreement might require it. Many landlords ask their tenants to get insurance and keep it for as long as they live there.

But even if your lease doesn’t say you need it, getting renters insurance is still a wise choice. Your landlord’s insurance covers their property, not your stuff or any accidents you might be responsible for. Landlord insurance protects the landlord if the building gets damaged or if they face a tenant’s legal claim. But if you’re sued or your personal items are damaged or stolen, the landlord’s insurance won’t help you. Tenant insurance can help you gain insurance experience, which can be beneficial down the road if you plan to buy a home or a condo.

What does Newfoundland tenant insurance coverage include?

The policies can vary greatly because tenant insurance isn’t legally required in Newfoundland. However, most policies you find will usually include a few basic types of coverage, including contents coverage, liability coverage, and additional living expenses. Here’s how they work for a renters insurance policy:

Contents coverage

Contents coverage helps cover the cost of fixing or replacing your personal possessions within your rental home if they get damaged by a covered event. This part of your insurance can help for certain situations like theft or fire, depending on what your policy includes.

Before deciding on how much coverage you need, it’s a good idea to figure out how much all your things are worth. This way, you’ll have enough insurance to replace all your stuff if something happens.

To work out the value of your belongings, calculate their actual cash value, which takes into account how their value has gone down over time. This total might be lower than what it would cost to buy everything new again. Choosing replacement cost coverage, on the other hand, could give you more money to replace your things if they get damaged or stolen. If you’re considering getting this coverage in Newfoundland, start by listing your personal belongings and noting down how much you paid for each.

Liability coverage

Liability coverage is really essential because it protects you if someone gets hurt in your rental place in Newfoundland or if you accidentally damage someone else’s property. Imagine someone trips over a rug in your living room and gets injured, or you accidentally cause water damage to a neighbour’s apartment. In situations like these, liability protection can help cover the costs of medical bills, repairs, or even a liability lawsuit, so you’re not stuck paying out of your own pocket. This part of your insurance can save you from serious financial stress if something unexpected happens, which is why renters often choose $1 to $2 million in liability coverage.

In Newfoundland, just like anywhere else, accidents can happen at any time. Having liability coverage means you have a safety net that helps take care of costs that could otherwise get you into financial trouble. It’s not just about covering damages or injuries in your rental unit; it also includes situations where you or even your child or pet might accidentally cause damage to someone else’s property. Whether it’s a broken window or someone’s medical costs after a fall, liability coverage is your backup to help handle these expenses.

Additional living expenses coverage

Additional living expenses coverage is a part of tenant insurance that comes into play if your rental home becomes unlivable due to damage from things like a fire or a major water leak. Let’s say your place is so damaged that you can’t stay there while repairs are being made. This coverage helps pay for your temporary living costs, like staying in a hotel, AirBnB, or renting another apartment for a short period.

It can also cover other unexpected costs that come up because of your temporary move, such as eating out more often if you don’t have access to a kitchen. Additional living expenses coverage ensures you won’t be left struggling to find and pay for a temporary place to live, making a difficult situation a little easier to manage.

What additional coverage can I add to my Newfoundland tenant insurance policy?

Now that we’ve covered the three main types of tenant insurance—coverage for your belongings, coverage in case you’re responsible for damage or injury to others, and coverage for extra living costs if your place is damaged—let’s look at the extra options you can add to your insurance. These add-ons, known as riders or endorsements, give you more protection against specific risks such as floods, identity theft, and other issues.

Sewer backup coverage

Sewer backup coverage is an extra option you can add to your tenant insurance in Newfoundland. It’s designed to protect you in case the sewage system backs up and floods your rental home. This can happen during heavy rainfalls or when the system gets overwhelmed and can cause a lot of damage to your place and your belongings.

By adding sewer backup coverage to your policy, you’re ensuring that if something messy like this happens, you won’t have to pay out of pocket for the cleanup or replace your damaged items. It’s a smart addition, especially in areas where sewer backups are more common, giving you extra peace of mind.

Overland water coverage

Overland water coverage is another important add-on you can choose for your tenant insurance in Newfoundland. This coverage steps in when water flows over the ground and into your home, like during heavy rainstorms or spring snowmelts that cause flooding. Newfoundland’s weather can be unpredictable, and floods can happen unexpectedly, leading to damage to your rental and your belongings.

By adding overland water coverage to your insurance policy, you’re covered for the costs of repairs and replacements if flood water makes its way into your place. It’s smart to protect yourself against these kinds of water-related surprises, especially if you live along the coastline or near any of Newfoundland’s lakes or rivers.

Identify theft coverage

Identity theft coverage is a smart addition to your tenant insurance in Newfoundland, especially in today’s digital world, where personal information can sometimes fall into the wrong hands. This type of coverage helps you if someone steals your identity and uses it to commit fraud or other crimes, leaving you to deal with the aftermath.

It can cover expenses related to recovering your identity, like legal fees or the cost of getting new documents. Adding identity theft coverage to your policy means you have support to navigate through the stressful process of setting things right if your personal information is ever compromised. It’s a layer of protection that can save you time, money, and a lot of headaches.

Additional contents coverage

Additional contents coverage for your tenant insurance in Newfoundland is like giving your policy a boost to cover more of your personal belongings. This is especially handy if you own things worth more than the standard policy covers, like expensive electronics, musical instruments, sports equipment, or high-value jewelry.

With additional contents coverage, you’re increasing the amount of money your insurance can give you to replace these items if they’re stolen or damaged. Adding this coverage ensures that all your prized possessions are protected, giving you extra peace of mind knowing that you won’t be left short if something unexpected happens.

What does tenant insurance not cover in Newfoundland?

Tenant insurance in Newfoundland acts as a safety net for people renting homes, protecting your belongings, covering you for legal issues, and helping out with living costs if you can’t stay in your rental due to damage. But, there are some things it doesn’t cover, like structural damage and general wear and tear. Let’s look at what’s usually not included:

Structural damage

The structure of the building, like its walls and roof, is up to the landlord to insure. Your tenant insurance is all about what’s inside and your own liabilities, not the building’s physical damage.

Wear and tear

Regular wear and tear, such as an appliance breaking down from age or use, isn’t something insurance covers. Insurance is meant for sudden, unforeseeable incidents.

Certain natural disasters

Typically, tenant insurance doesn’t cover big disasters like earthquakes or floods. You might need to get extra insurance to be protected from these if you live in areas prone to these natural events.

Expensive items

High-priced belongings that are worth more than your policy’s limit, like fancy jewelry or top-tier electronics, may not be fully insured. You could need more coverage for these items, like additional content(s) coverage.

Business losses

Using your rental for business ventures and losing equipment or money from an insured event isn’t generally covered unless you add specific coverage, like home business insurance.

Your roommate’s property

Your insurance doesn’t automatically cover your roommate’s things unless they’re specifically included in your policy.

Policies can differ significantly, so it’s key to read yours well and talk with your insurance provider or broker if you have questions or need more coverage. Talking with a Brokerlink insurance broker can help you understand what your policy covers and what it doesn’t, ensuring you know where you stand.

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Buying Newfoundland tenant insurance with roommates

Do you live with roommates? You might be wondering if you all need your own tenant insurance or if you can just get one policy together. Some insurance companies let multiple people be on the same policy, but usually, there’s a limit, like only up to two to four people. If you have more than a couple of roommates, you might not all fit onto one policy, and getting your own might be better.

If the number of people you live with doesn’t go over the company’s limit, you could consider getting a joint policy. However, there are some things to watch out for, so talking to an insurance broker first is a good idea. For instance, sometimes only the person whose name is first on the policy gets paid back if your belongings are damaged, like in a fire.

Also, if more than one person is named on the policy, any one of you could make a claim without the others knowing. More claims mean higher premiums, so your costs could go up because of something a roommate did. But when you have your own policy, you’re in charge of claims and can ensure your policy’s terms fully cover you.

What factors influence the cost of tenant insurance premiums in Newfoundland?

The price of tenant insurance in Newfoundland varies based on several factors, such as your location, the type of rental you live in, and whether you have roommates, among other things. These details help insurance companies determine what to charge to cover your rental home and belongings. Here’s what they typically consider:


Living in certain areas of Newfoundland might change your insurance cost. For example, being in a neighbourhood with more break-ins or nearby water that could flood could make your insurance more expensive.

Type of rental

Your rental type, whether it’s a studio, basement apartment, condo, or townhouse, impacts your insurance cost. Different living spaces have different risk levels and costs for repairs, and insurers take this into account.

Security features

Having good security measures in place, such as strong locks, a security system, or 24-hour security, can lower your insurance cost by reducing the risk of theft or damage.

Amount of belongings

The more and the higher the value of the items you want to insure, the more you’ll likely pay. This is because the insurance company would need to replace more if something happens.

Credit score

Some insurers check your credit score, and a better score potentially leads to lower insurance costs. A BrokerLink insurance broker can explain how your credit score might affect your insurance price.

Claims history

If you’ve had tenant insurance before and haven’t made any claims, you could get a better rate than someone who has made several claims.

Type of coverage

Opting for basic coverage could be cheaper, but adding extra protections, like against sewer backups or flooding, will increase your cost for more comprehensive protection.


Choosing a higher deductible—the amount you pay before the insurance takes over—can lower your monthly bill since you’re assuming more risk.


Having roommates can also impact your insurance cost. Generally, more people living in the space could mean a higher insurance price.

What’s the difference between tenant insurance and landlord insurance?

Landlord insurance is there to protect the people who own the property from risks. That’s why it includes coverage for the actual building - to protect it from damage. It also has liability insurance to protect landlords if tenants make claims against them.

So, if your landlord already has insurance, you may wonder why you need your own policy. You still need it because tenant insurance is made to protect the renters’ personal property. This means it has contents coverage to help pay for replacing your things if they get lost or damaged. Landlord insurance won’t cover your personal items or any claims made against you by others. That’s why tenant insurance also includes liability insurance for renters.

In other words, landlord insurance is there to protect the landlord’s property and liability claims made against the landlord, while tenant insurance is there to protect your personal property and liability claims made against yourself.

To understand more about how landlord and renters insurance are different, you can talk to a tenant insurance broker here at BrokerLink. They can help you understand how they’re different and why it’s essential for a renter like you to have your own policy, especially if you’re a first-time renter.

Start saving on your insurance today with our expert tips

Lowering your tenant insurance premiums in Newfoundland can be done through several methods, such as comparing prices to find the best offer and combining different types of insurance to get discounts. To spend less on tenant insurance in Newfoundland, here are some expert tips for picking a plan that’s easy on your wallet but still covers what you need:

  • Shop around to compare different insurance offers
  • Get multiple types of insurance from the same company for a bundled discount
  • Agree to a higher deductible
  • Ask if you qualify for any special discounts
  • Don’t pay for unnecessary coverage
  • Review your coverage annually
  • Maintain a good credit score
  • Use an insurance broker

Why work with a BrokerLink broker

Since 1991, the BrokerLink team has been dedicated to finding insurance policies that meet the needs and budgets of our customers. We are experts in all things Newfoundland insurance and can ensure you receive the most competitive rate on your policy.

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Getting involved in the community is a big part of who we are. We live and work in your community. We love meeting our neighbours!

Contact us

At BrokerLink, we’re here to help you with any insurance needs you may have. Whether it’s insuring your home, car, business, recreational items, or pets, let us help you find the best coverage possible.

You can reach us by phone, email, or in person at any one of our locations throughout Newfoundland. No matter how you choose to get in touch, a BrokerLink insurance advisor will be happy to assist you. We also encourage you to take advantage of our free online quote tool that can provide you with a competitive quote in minutes.

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FAQs for tenant insurance Newfoundland

What is tenant insurance in Newfoundland?

Tenant insurance in Newfoundland is a type of insurance for people who rent their homes. It helps protect your belongings and covers you for certain costs if you’re found responsible for damage or if someone gets hurt in your place.

How much is tenant insurance in Canada?

The cost of tenant insurance in Canada varies greatly, depending on where you live, how much stuff you’re insuring, and several other factors. To get a tailored estimate, shop around with various local insurance companies and compare quotes.

Do I really need tenant insurance?

Yes, you really should consider getting tenant insurance. It’s not just about protecting your stuff from theft or damage; it also covers you if you accidentally damage your rental or if someone gets injured on your rental property.

What does tenant insurance cover you for?

Tenant insurance covers you for three main things: your personal belongings if they’re stolen or damaged, any legal costs if you’re sued for damaging the property or if someone is injured in your rental, and extra living expenses if your rental is damaged and you need to live somewhere else temporarily.

If you have any questions, contact one of our local branches.