Understanding distracted driving

According to a 2010 study by the Canadian Automobile Association, distracted driving has surpassed impaired dr...

Oct 2, 2012 2 minute read

Thunderstorms and lightning: beautiful but dangero...

Canadian weather is hard to predict, especially when it comes to thunderstorms. According to Environment Canad...

Sep 26, 2012 1 minute read

Extreme weather causing increased claim costs

Each year in Canada an average of $310 million in insur...

Aug 20, 2012 1 minute read

Water damage: a year-round concern

Water damage is now considered the number one cause of ...

Aug 20, 2012 2 minute read

What you need to know before you rent out your cot...

Owning a cottage can be great, but it can also be expen...

Jul 27, 2012 1 minute read

The Modern Guide to Safe Camping

You don’t need to be a seasoned survivor to safel...

May 14, 2012 2 minute read

Can your headrest prevent whiplash?

Seat belts, air bags and anti-lock brakes are important...

Feb 21, 2012 1 minute read