Insurance for landscaping businesses

3 minute read Published on Mar 3, 2021 by BrokerLink Communications

Insurance for landscaping businesses

Are you a landscaper, tree trimmer, landscape architect or designer, groundskeeper, or lawn care specialist? With spring around the corner, you may be getting ready to fill up your calendar with landscaping projects and reaching out to customers to offer your services. Canadians are very proud of their backyards, and many do not have the time make these green spaces the oasis they dream of. That’s where landscapers come in! However, you must ensure you have the right insurance to protect your business and yourself from certain risks when working in this type of business.

It is important to know your risks as an individual who offers landscaping services. As a business owner, you should be aware of how to protect yourself and your business in the event that you’re liable for any damages or losses on a job site.

At BrokerLink, we have commercial insurance experts who understand these risks and can help find you the right insurance solutions. Landscapers need coverage for things like:

  • Third-party claims
  • Injuries to themselves and others
  • Damage to property and equipment
  • Theft or vandalism of property and equipment

Keep reading to learn more about insurance for your landscaping business.

General liability insurance (CGL) for landscaping

A general liability insurance policy can financially protect landscapers against claims that result from their services causing a third-party to suffer bodily injury, property damage or other losses.

Here’s a real world example: your lawn mower runs over a sprinkler system line and causes a flood on your customer’s lawn. A CGL policy will kick in to repair the damage you caused.

An insurance broker will advise you on the amount of coverage you need. The exact amount will vary, depending on the size and scope of your landscaping business. When you meet with your broker, make sure you have all the details of your business handy. These details will be important when looking for the right coverage.

Commercial buildings

No matter how big or small your landscaping business is, your equipment needs to be protected against damage or loss. You might rent a space to store your equipment, or you might store it in your personal garage. In either case, you need protection against your equipment being damaged or stolen - supplies, equipment, or anything related to running your landscaping business needs to be insured while not in use.

Don’t neglect this important coverage. If, for example, your storage shed that holds your equipment caught fire, your entire livelihood could go up in flames. It’s crucial to have the right protection in place. A commercial building insurance policy can provide replacement coverage in this situation.

Equipment and tools floater

Commercial building insurance can cover your contents when they’re not in use. An equipment and tools floater can cover you when you’re travelling or working at a landscaping site. Your landscaping equipment is most likely extremely valuable. You want to ensure that it’s covered in the event of theft, equipment breakdown, vandalism or other possible exposures. This type of insurance requires you to list all your items so the insurance company has a list of exactly what is covered under the policy. Remember to make a detailed inventory list of everything you use to operate your landscaping business, to ensure it is covered.

Commercial auto insurance for landscaping

Many individuals assume they can use their personal vehicle for business use. If you are using your vehicle to get from one landscaping job to another and transporting your equipment and tools around, you need to let your insurance company know. Your insurance company may exclude this type of business use under a normal personal vehicle insurance policy and you will not have coverage in the event of an accident or other insured peril.

Insurance for landscaping businesses with BrokerLink

Knowing your risks and protecting your business can help you sleep better at night. You’ll have peace of mind knowing you are properly covered. Interested in landscaping insurance? Get in touch with one of our local insurance brokers today, and be ready for your peak season!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need insurance to cut grass?

Most contractors that provide services for cutting grass will purchase a general liability insurance policy to protect their business operations. Cutting grass may seem like an easy task but it still comes with its assortment of risks involving third party injuries, and property damage. It may also be difficult to get jobs if you don’t have the right coverage in place.

Who is covered under a landscaping insurance policy?

Anyone who is a named insured under your policy is covered under a landscaping insurance policy. If you have employed other individuals to assist you with your landscaping business you should include them on your insurance.

Does landscaping insurance include worker’s compensation insurance (WCB)?

No, a general liability insurance policy will not cover you for worker’s compensation insurance. You and anyone you employ will need to apply for worker’s compensation insurance through your province’s program. This program protects individuals from financial hardship incurred by a work-related injury or illness.