What to do after a hit and run accident?

8 minute read Published on Sep 21, 2024 by BrokerLink Communications

A side swiped white car.

If you ever returned to your parked car hours later to find a mysterious dent or scratch, you know how frustrating it can be. This is called a hit and run accident. When this happens, the driver intentionally leaves the scene without providing their contact information. If you are a victim of a hit and run accident, you might wonder what you should do and who to contact.

If the damage is severe, you may start to panic, but this doesn’t help anything. You have to remain calm and work to find a solution. If the other vehicle has left, you likely don’t know who the hit-and-run driver is. Luckily, there are ways to find out who hit your vehicle and to ensure you are compensated for the damage. It’s time to learn about hit-and-run accidents and what to do if you are involved in one. Ensure you take photos of your vehicle before you move it to ensure that no evidence has been disturbed.

Defining a hit-and-run accident

A hit-and-run accident is when a driver intentionally leaves the scene after damaging another vehicle. This is done without providing their name or contact information. Examples include the following:

  • A car door getting dented by another car in a parking lot
  • A passing driver hitting another car that’s parked on the street
  • Getting rear-ended, sitting in traffic, and witnessing the other driver leave

Accidents do happen, but a hit-and-run complicates things because if the other driver isn’t caught, there isn’t someone to hold responsible for damages. Insurance can help cover the damages. However, depending on your deductible and coverage, you might have to pay for some of the repairs out of pocket.

Reasons a driver leaves the scene of an accident

Leaving the scene of an accident is a crime, regardless of how you frame it. However, there are a few reasons why a driver may try to justify their actions. Why would someone leave the scene of a hit-and-run car accident? Examples include:

  • Stressed about being considered at fault for the accident
  • Driving without car insurance
  • Driving with an expired or suspended driver’s licence or no licence at all
  • Driving under the influence and worried about getting a DUI charge
  • Claiming to have an emergency and not having enough time to stop

There isn’t an excuse for leaving the scene of an accident without leaving behind contact information. It’s a criminal offence and can result in demerit points. That’s why you have to hope that someone is honest if they hit your car and left behind their information. In the event that you caused the accident, you should leave your information to avoid further charges. You also offer to help if you end up witnessing a hit and run.

Getting into a car accident and not knowing the identity of the other vehicle is unfortunate. If the other driver were to leave their information, they would be admitting fault, and you can make an insurance claim. When this doesn’t happen, you will have to pay more to fix the damage, especially if you don’t have collision coverage. Next, we will discuss what to do if you’re involved in a hit-and-run car accident.

Steps to take after hit-and-run accidents

Hit-and-run accidents happen, and you cannot make a hit-and-run claim until you go through the investigation process. If someone hits your car and drives off, you’ll likely be quite upset, but there are things you can do to attempt to catch the driver who hit your car. Here’s what to do after a hit-and-run accident:

Stop the car and look for damage

If the accident took place on the road and not in a parking lot, find a safe spot to pull off the road and stop. This will give you a chance to assess the damage and potential injuries if there were passengers in the car when it happened. The top priority should be ensuring you and your passengers are safe. If there are any injuries, get in touch with emergency services right away.

Contact authorities to make a police report

After determining that everyone in the vehicle is safe and calling medical professionals if necessary, get in touch with the police. When the officer arrives at the scene of the accident, a police report will be filed. You will need a copy of the police report for your insurance company. It will act as evidence when you file an insurance claim.

Get statements from witnesses

If anyone in the area witnessed the car accident, ask if they can give a statement to the police. Their names and contact information should be given to your insurance company when making a claim in case there are additional questions. Also, check if any local businesses have security cameras that capture the incident on the road or in the parking lot.

Make a claim with your insurance company

After filing a police report, get in touch with your insurance company. You will have to provide a statement as well as evidence, such as photos of the damage, the police report and the contact information of any witnesses. You can make an insurance claim over the phone, online, or through an app on your phone. Another option is visiting your insurance provider in person.

Making a hit-and-run claim to your insurance provider is a big deal because it’s not the same as a regular car accident. Leaving the scene of an accident has serious repercussions. You’ll need evidence of the accident, including a police report, witnesses, and visual evidence. With an accident report in hand, you can make your claim and get insurance coverage on a hit and run. Next, we will provide tips on what to do if you’re involved in a hit-and-run accident.

Tips to follow if you’re involved in a hit-and-run accident

If your vehicle was involved in a hit-and-run accident, you probably know the basics of what to do. However, we have prepared some additional tips to help you navigate the process. By following our advice, you can get one step closer to finding out who damaged your vehicle without providing their contact information. Below, we will list tips to follow if you’re involved in a hit-and-run accident:

Gather necessary information

After discovering that your car was involved in a hit-and-run incident, you should gather as much information as possible. Try to find out the location and time of day that the accident happened. The more you know, the more likely it is that you’ll catch the driver who damaged your vehicle.

Prepare evidence

Upon returning to your vehicle or pulling over into a parking lot, take photos of the accident scene. You should also take photos of your car and the damages, especially if another car’s paint is visible. This will narrow down the possibilities of who hit your vehicle. This is especially true if the vehicle hasn’t left the parking lot.

See if anyone saw what happened

Ask anyone who may have witnessed the incident if they saw anything or if they have any details on the car (make, model, colour) and licence plate number. Take down all witness names and contact details. This will help you give your insurance provider evidence later on.

Report to the appropriate authorities

In Alberta, report the damage to the Police, and in Ontario, report the damage to a collision reporting centre, no matter the extent of the damage. Be sure to provide the details of the incident and the names and numbers of any witnesses, as this information will be useful if you decide to make a claim.

Submit your claim on time

Depending on your insurance company, you may be required to report a hit and run within a specific time frame for the claim to be considered “not at fault.” An “at fault” accident can increase your insurance. This is the last thing you want to happen, especially for damage that wasn’t your fault.

Assuming you’ve followed all these tips and the appropriate steps, your insurance claim has likely been processed and approved. Although most insurance companies will be sympathetic to this situation, a hit-and-run can affect your insurance premiums if you have the right coverage. Next, we will discuss the effect a hit-and-run incident can have on your insurance rates and what coverage you’ll need to avoid paying for expensive repair costs if the other driver doesn’t get caught.

The impact a hit-and-run claim can have on your insurance

Car insurance is mandatory. However, some types of coverage are optional, and unfortunately, these types of coverage are the ones you have if you get into a hit-and-run accident. That’s why you can never be too prepared and should opt into these policies. Consider them a special type of liability car insurance. You never know — you might need them when you least expect them. These coverages include:

Uninsured motorist coverage

Uninsured automobile coverage is mandatory in Canada. Its purpose is to protect you in the event that your vehicle is damaged or you suffer injuries as a result of a hit-and-run accident. This will cover medical expenses and repair costs because there isn’t a specific person against whom to file a claim.

Collision coverage

Unlike its counterpart, collision coverage is optional. That means not everyone will have it as a part of their policy. It covers the repair costs when your car hits another object, which makes it useful for a hit-and-run when you don’t know what hit your car. However, it won’t cover any other expenses.

If you don’t have either type of coverage

If the driver of the vehicle who hit your car cannot be identified, your claim will be paid out under the collision portion of your auto insurance policy and subject to your deductible. If your auto policy does not have collision coverage, you may have to pay for the damages out of pocket.

However, suppose the driver who hit your car can be identified. In that case, the loss may be paid out under the direct compensation section of your policy, which is normally not subject to a deductible. For this reason, it’s always best to connect with any potential witnesses.

Hit-and-run incidents can cause a great deal of stress. However, when you have the proper insurance coverage, you won’t have to worry about paying for anything that’s not covered by your deductible. With many types of coverage available, it can be difficult to choose the right one for you.

Unlike traditional car accidents, car insurance will not always cover a hit-and-run. That’s why it’s wise to get in touch with an insurance provider to choose a policy that keeps you safe at all costs.

Contact BrokerLink so you have coverage for hit-and-run accidents!

Car accidents plague our roads every day, but a hit-and-run accident is often a different story. They do happen but can sometimes go unnoticed if they take place in a parking lot or a quiet road. Regardless of where you are, you have to remain calm to gather the evidence you need to make an insurance claim.

There are many types of insurance coverage available. Some are optional, while others are mandatory. It’s important to know which ones are necessary so you comply with local laws while protecting yourself in case you get into an accident. Here are the types of insurance coverage offered by providers across Canada:

Rest assured, your insurance rates will not increase so long as you report the incident to the police or collision reporting centre and your insurance company. To learn how best to handle a hit-and-run accident, speak with your BrokerLink broker today.

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