When to change winter tires

6 minute read Published on Aug 10, 2024 by BrokerLink Communications

Three cars driving in heavy snow

Canadian springs and falls are famously unpredictable - teasing us with summer-like temperatures one minute before dumping a fresh load of snow the next. With the changing conditions, when should you switch out your car’s tires?

When you should swap out your winter tires

A general rule to follow is that once the average daily temperatures reach 7°C and higher in the spring or summer season, it’s time to have your winter tires changed for summer or all-season versions. Using that same general rule, when temperatures drop below 7°C in the fall or winter season, it’s time to switch to winter tires.

Are winter tires mandatory in Canada?

Winter tires are mandatory in only two Canadian provinces: Quebec and British Columbia. They are not a legal requirement in any other Canadian province or territory. This means that if you reside in a province like Alberta or Ontario, you are under no legal obligation to install winter tires on your car.

That said, many Canadian drivers still choose to do so as it makes for a safer driving environment. Just ask BrokerLink. As insurance professionals, we know that installing snow tires on your car during the winter months is one of the top tips for driving on icy roads. Even better, you can save money on car insurance by installing winter tires on your car.

When should you replace all-season tires for winter tires in Canada?

When temperatures are consistently below 7°C, it’s time for a winter tire change. However, as we mentioned, some provinces have requirements, while others have recommendations for when to install your winter tires. Here’s what each province requires or recommends:


Winter tires are mandatory from December 1st to March 15th.

British Columbia

Winter tires or all-season tires are mandatory on certain highways from October 1st to April 30th. For highways that don’t go through mountains or areas with heavy snow, winter tire requirements generally end on March 31st, though it may be extended based on the weather. Furthermore, parts of the Trans-Canada highway have an April 30th requirement.

All other provinces and territories

Using winter tires is only recommended everywhere else in Canada—and yes, that even includes up north in the territories. Some provinces, like Ontario and Manitoba, recommend using your winter tires from October to April, while others recommend just using them during severe weather conditions.

Remember, the ideal time to swap out your all-season tires for winter tires in Canada is when temperatures are consistently below 7°C. This is the temperature at which most experts agree that all-season tires become less effective. All-season tires are unable to remain flexible in cold conditions as the rubber on regular tires will start to stiffen, decreasing their traction. Keep them on until the warm weather returns and stays consistently above 7°C.

Beyond the 7°C rule, another way to decide when to change your tires is by asking your insurance company. If you want to qualify for a winter tire insurance discount, most insurers require you to have your winter tires installed by a certain date each year. Contact your insurance company or broker to find out exactly what date that is, and make sure to have your tires swapped to benefit from this discount.

Why you should use winter tires

A winter tire offers better traction and stability in winter driving conditions. These tires are made of a rubber compound that is designed to remain flexible and malleable, even in extreme temperatures and on slick surfaces, such as snowy, icy, or slushy roads and freezing rain conditions.

They are able to do this due to their unique tread patterns that feature small teeth that grip the snow and ice. Ultimately, snow tires offer protection for winter drives that are unmatched by any other type of tire.

Different types of tires are made with different rubber compounds, which allow them to be optimized for a different temperature range. If we use a tire outside of its comfort zone, it's ineffective relative to other options.

All-season tires begin to lose their grip once temperatures drop below 7°C and are nearly useless for cold temperatures below -10°C. Summer tires turn as hard as hockey pucks in the winter, while winter tires start losing grip as temperatures climb into spring and summer averages.

Whatever you do, don’t be tempted to keep your winter tires on year-round to save money. You could be more at risk by driving with winter tires on hot pavement.

How temperatures affect winter tires

Winter tires are designed with flexible treads for below-zero temperatures and have more treads to allow the tire to grip onto ice. In warmer temperatures, these features become counterproductive.

As the tire turns, the tread comes into contact with the hot pavement, and the friction creates more heat. This causes the tread to open further, increasing the surface area of the tire and making contact with the pavement, resulting in more heat. You could say it’s a vicious cycle. The tread wears down quickly, impacting your ability to brake and forcing you to replace the tires sooner.

While we’re almost guaranteed to experience freak May snowstorms, rest assured your all-season tires should be able to handle it for a day. Just give yourself extra time when driving, slow down, and increase your following distance. In the long run, changing your tires to match the appropriate weather conditions could also reduce your chances of an accident.

What if I wait too long to install my winter tires?

Some motorists in Canada are tempted to wait until the first snowfall or until freezing temperatures are a daily occurrence before changing their winter tires. This is a mistake. A few of the consequences that may come from waiting too long to install your winter tires include:

  • Not qualifying for a car insurance discount.
  • Local mechanics or auto body shops are too busy with other customers to install your winter tires in a timely manner.
  • A shortage of winter tires as snow tires may sell out or have low stock once the cold weather arrives.
  • The possibility of a price increase for tires due to them being in high demand.
  • You may be forced to drive in icy or snowy weather before your winter tires are installed, which would put you at greater risk of getting into an accident.

Winter tire maintenance

When winter ends, and it’s time to switch back to all-season tires, there are a few steps to take to care for your winter tires while they are in storage:

  • Clean them well to remove dirt and salt, preventing corrosion and maintaining traction.
  • Check for any damage and fix if needed.
  • Maintain the tire pressure.
  • Store them in a cool, dry place, like a garage, basement, or at a shop that offers storage.
  • Consider using storage bags, or tire stands for extra protection.

Before using them again, inspect them to ensure they are in good condition. These steps will help your winter tires last longer and work better next winter.

How to save money on auto insurance with winter tires

Many people want to know how much car insurance costs per month in Ontario, and when they find out, they want to know what they can do to get lower insurance premiums. Thankfully, there are several ways to make car insurance cheaper, one of them being to install winter tires on your vehicle.

Ever since January 2016, insurance companies in Ontario have been legally required to offer car insurance discounts to customers who install winter tires on their cars, so long as they meet the list of conditions. These conditions vary between providers but may include the following:

  • The policyholder must install four winter tires on their vehicle, and all winter tires must be the same model.
  • The policyholder must install the winter tires on their vehicle before the date specified by the insurance company and leave them on until the date specified.
  • The policyholder must notify the insurance provider when they have purchased the winter tires and show proof of purchase and/or installation. They may do this by providing either a receipt or invoice for the installation.

Overall, having snow tires on your car makes driving in the snow much safer. They reduce the odds of getting into a collision, going off the road, or even getting stuck in the snow. This is why insurance companies offer discounts to Canadian drivers who take the extra precaution of installing winter tires on their cars.

Get in touch with BrokerLink today

Learn more about the best time to swap your regular tires for winter tires by contacting BrokerLink. We can provide you with all kinds of safe driving tips, like installing snow tires on your car, as well as make sure that you have the necessary insurance coverage in your province, ranging from liability coverage to accident benefits coverage.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about winter tires and car insurance or to request your free auto insurance quote.

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