Car Insurance blogs


BrokerLink is here to provide you with the latest, most up-to-date tips and trends in the world of car insurance. From expert-approved safe driving tips to information on comprehensive auto insurance coverage, check out our catalogue of auto insurance blogs to learn all there is to know about car insurance in Canada.

Using GPS Technology Safely

Although GPS navigational devices and technologies are handy when you are lost or trying to get to your destin...

Dec 27, 2013 1 minute read

Preparing your Summer Toys for Winter

You might be making the most of the last few days of summer, but now is the time to start planning for winter...

Aug 19, 2013 1 minute read

School zone speed limits in the summer

During the school year, drivers are required to slow down in designated school zones.  But what should yo...

Aug 13, 2013 1 minute read

Young drivers & insurance: Before hitting the road

Before your teen gets behind the wheel, call your BrokerLink broker. Having the right auto insurance coverage...

Jul 16, 2013 2 minute read

Buying a Classic Car: Tips that never get old

Summer is here and that means car show season. Here are...

Jun 19, 2013 2 minute read

Understanding distracted driving

According to a 2010 study by the Canadian Automobile Association, distracted driving has surpassed impaired dr...

Oct 2, 2012 2 minute read

Formula One racers protect themselves

If ever you’ve thought auto insurance was expensive, ha...

May 1, 2012 1 minute read

Can your headrest prevent whiplash?

Seat belts, air bags and anti-lock brakes are important...

Feb 21, 2012 1 minute read