Guide to Summer Home Maintenance Projects

6 minute read Published on Apr 2, 2021 by BrokerLink Communications

Guide to Summer Home Maintenance Projects

Maintaining your home is an extremely important task to take on. It will help you to optimize safety and help to reduce any potential accidents during the warm weather, when you and your loved ones are likely to be more active.

Although technically you could do your home maintenance at any time, the best time for home maintenance is in the summer. This is ultimately because the weather is warmer and more consistent in the summer months. Supplies for home improvements and maintenance are also a lot more accessible this time of year.

To help get you started on your summer home maintenance project, we’ve compiled a list below of the most important tasks that you should do.

Your Checklist for Summer Home Maintenance Projects

Outdoor Inspection

It is important that you inspect the outside of your home. This includes the actual structure of your house, your yard, driveway and any outdoor structures you may have, such as a deck or shed. Specifically, you should:

  • Check the foundation of your home for any signs of cracks, water damage, mould or mildew.
  • Check that your driveway is in good condition, and ensure that there are no cracks in it
  • If you have a structure that has steps or stairs, such as a deck or a porch, ensure that no steps are damaged, and repair them if need be.
  • Check any gutters that you may have. Clogged gutters can cause your roof to leak or can even leads to floods in your home. Make sure they are free of damage and flowing correctly.
  • Tend to your grass and any plants or trees that you may have on your property. Rake any leaves you may have, mow your lawn, water any plants and weed your yard.
  • Trim weak tree branches so they don’t break off unexpectedly and cause damage.
  • Check if any paint is fading or chipping off structures such as your house’s exterior, your fence or your shed. If so, repaint any structures that may need it.

State of Windows and Doors

While you are outside, your next step is to take care of your windows and doors:

  • Check all the mechanisms of your windows and doors to ensure that they are in proper working order. This includes any latches, hinges, handles and doorknobs.
  • Inspect all of the glass in your windows/doors to make sure that none of it is cracked. Replace the glass if needed.
  • Clean both the outdoor and indoor edges of your windows in order to remove any dust or debris.
  • Check the edges of your windows and doors, and inspect all of the caulking. Caulking is used to seal any air leaks through potential cracks or gaps in your windows, so it’s important to ensure that your caulking is in good condition before the colder months arrive. If you’ve noticed some wear and tear in your caulking, get it refilled.

Roof Condition

After checking your windows and doors, you’ll need to get out your ladder and move on to checking your roof. If you have the right experience and safety tools, you can complete this section of the checklist yourself. Otherwise, call in a professional!

  • Thoroughly inspect all of your roof’s shingles. Ensure that none of them are missing, loose or damaged in any way. If they are, consider hiring someone to fix your shingles.
  • Inspect your roof for any signs of sagging. Sagging can be caused by water damage, excess weight as a result of snow, or faulty installation. A professional will need to come and replace your roof if sagging is occurring.
  • If you have a chimney located on your roof, inspect it for any signs of wear and tear.
  • Double check that all of the sealants are still in good condition, especially on areas such as flashings, roof joints and your chimney.

HVAC Systems

In order to best prepare for the upcoming colder months, it is super important to ensure your HVAC systems are working.

  • Hire a professional in order to properly clean your central air conditioner. A technician will be able to correctly check your ductwork for any signs of damage, and clean/service your furnace and A/C compressor.
  • Inspect all of your vents and air ducts, especially in areas where they are used often such as your bathroom.
  • Inspect all of your air filters and replace if need be.

Electric Systems

Our next task will be tackling the indoor space of your household. You will want to ensure that all your systems that run on electricity and/or batteries are in working condition.

  • Go throughout your home, and inspect any outlets, cords, and extension wires. Make sure that they are working correctly.
  • Inspect all smoke detectors in your home. Run a test to make sure everything is working properly. Replace batteries if needed.
  • Ensure all other home safety systems are working properly, such as any security systems, carbon monoxide detectors and alarm systems. Replace batteries if needed.
  • Check any light systems in in your home. Replace lightbulbs if necessary.

Indoor Plumbing

As we make our way through the inside portion of your home, we also need to double check all plumbing.

  • Check every single faucet for potential leaks. This includes any sink that you may have in your bathrooms, kitchen and laundry room.
  • Inspect your entire bathroom, such as your toilet, shower, bathtub and sink. Make sure all these appliances are in working condition.
  • Tidy up your sink disposal by flushing it. This will help to ensure there are no blockages and it is draining correctly.

Basement Check

Lastly, we’ll be heading down to the lowest level of your home:

  • Inspect your basement pipes to ensure that there is no dripping or condensation. If you notice any excess water, consider hiring a professional to fix your pipes.
  • Check for any presence of pests. Critters such as bugs, mice and other small rodents like to hide in dark, empty spaces such as basements.

Let BrokerLink Assist You in Keeping Your Home Protected

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Here at BrokerLink, our brokers are experts when it comes to insurance. We have extensive experience in creating custom and tailored insurance policies that will fit you and your lifestyle. If you’re interested in learning more about home insurance, or even just your insurance options in general, we’re here to help!

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FAQs on Summer Home Maintenance Projects

Why is it important to practice regular home maintenance?

There are many reasons why engaging in regular home maintenance is important. Just like your car, your home will require regular “check ups” and inspections in order to keep it in the best condition possible. Engaging in regular home maintenance will help prevent damage in your house. Having a regular home maintenance routine will also help to ensure your home’s value, boost your safety in your house, and can even save you money and reduce your energy consumption.

Is natural wear and tear covered by home insurance?

Unfortunately, every single product has a natural life expectancy. Home insurance does not cover products or items that are damaged due to natural wear and tear. This is because homeowners insurance is in place to you against any damages that are out of your control. This can mean things such as accidents, emergencies or forces of nature. To learn more about what a home insurance policy covers and what it does not, please speak to a broker today.

Can home improvements impact home insurance?

If you are engaging in any type of home improvement or renovations, it is extremely important that you notify your insurance company. This is because certain renovations can actually impact the price of your policy. If your property value goes up, as a result of the changes you have made, then you may require more insurance coverage. However, if you have made renovations and changes to certain features in order to make them more safe, you may see a decrease on your premium! Please speak with a broker today to further discuss any impacts that a renovation may have on your home insurance policy.