10 tips for working from home

3 minute read Published on Mar 31, 2020 by BrokerLink Communications

For many of us, working from home will be the new normal for a while. This is a huge adjustment and it can be hard to get used to working this way. We’ve put together a few tips and tricks to help you be productive and stay sane while working from home.

Our top 10 tips for working from home

1. Get ready for your day

It can be tempting to stay in your pajamas all day when you’re working from home! Sometime it’s even tempting to bring your laptop into bed and make that your new home. But trust us, you’ll feel better if you get up, take a shower, and change.

2. Create a designated work space

Set up an area in your home that is dedicated to work. Find a space that’s well-lit and comfortable. Let any family in your home know that when you’re in your “office” it means you’re working.

3. Avoid distractions

Working from home means there are even more distractions than usual. Pretend the TV doesn’t exist until after your work day is over. If you don’t need it for work, try putting your cell phone in a different room so you’re not tempted to scroll social media all day.

4. Find some work music

You may be experiencing additional sounds when you’re working from home that you’re not used to, such as pets barking and kids playing. Music without words can be a great help to drown out sound and help you focus. Try classical music, or check out a work music playlist online.

5. Make a schedule

Making a schedule will give your day structure and enable you to be more productive. Don’t forget to schedule in lunch and breaks. You can write your schedule down on paper or use a digital tool. Do what works for you!

6. Be social (distantly)

Thanks to technology, even though we are physically removed from our colleagues, we can still check in often. For some of us, working from home can be lonely. Reach out to people you work with to say hi through a video conference, a phone call, an email, instant message or text, just to name a few options. We are all in this together, and your colleagues will be happy to hear from you.

7. Move!

When your office is just a few feet away, it can be hard to get in your daily steps. There are other ways to get some movement into your day. You could do a quick stretch or walk around the house. In fact, when we work from home there are even more options. Why not take a break to do a quick yoga video online? How about a dance party? There are no coworkers around to judge you, so bust a move!

8. Sign off

For some of us, working from home means we lose the separation between work life and home life. Don’t let work-life balance go out the window. Working from home doesn’t mean you’re working around the clock. When you’re done for the day, sign off, turn the computer off and do something that’s not related to work. Listen to a podcast, read a book or cook a delicious home cooked dinner.

9. Embrace it

No one was expecting this situation, and it’s a stressful time for everyone. But we can try to find the silver lining of the time we are in. If you’re no longer commuting, you might have more time to spend with your family. Maybe you can start writing that novel you’ve always had in your head. Maybe you just have more time to relax. Whatever it is, try to find the positive aspects of working from home.

10. Ask for help

If you are struggling, you’re not alone. This is a challenging time for everyone. If working from home is hard, tell someone! Talk to a friend, family member or colleague. Chances are, they can relate.

Keep in mind that this situation is temporary. If you are able to work from home, it helps to #FlattenTheCurve and keep our communities safe.