Summer car maintenance tips

4 minute read Published on Jun 14, 2021 by BrokerLink Communications

There’s something special about hitting the open road during a warm summer day. It’s important to note that warm weather impacts your car’s performance. Similar to how you are diligent with your winter car maintenance, there are things to check to stay safe in the summer months!

To keep your car running smoothly, we’ve put together these helpful summer maintenance tips.

Summer Car Maintenance Checklist

Before you hit the road this summer, make sure your car is ready for your trip!


Look for uneven wear, debris, and improper tire pressure.


Check your windows for cracks and replace old wiper blades.


Inspect your brake pads and rotors for thinning and unusual damage.


Assess your car’s oil, coolant, windshield wiper fluid, transmission and brake fluid.

Summer car maintenance is only the first step, so be sure to review your car insurance policy too. Continue reading the blog below for more details.

Summer car maintenance tip #1: Tire inspections and rotation

As the weather improves and you become more inclined to venture outdoors, your car may be travelling to further destinations. Whether you are driving to campsites on dirt roads or taking a trip to a nearby waterfront, it’s important to avoid unnecessary problems by knowing what to look for.

  1. Check for unwanted debris. Pieces of dirt or mud and even pebbles could get stuck in the groves of your tires. Removing them is simple and can help improve the performance of your tires. Inspecting your tires for embedded nails or pieces of broken glass before you depart can prevent you from being stranded by a flat tire while on the road.
  2. Look for wear and tear or any damage on your tires. Checking for visible cracks, balding and any irregular curves, bulges, or dents, can prevent potential harm to your car.
  3. Check your tire pressure. Over-inflated tires can distort the shape of the tire and lead to decreased traction whereas under-inflated tires create too much friction on the road, which is just as dangerous! That’s why it’s important to ensure your tire pressure is just right. You can check this by either using your hand, a tire pressure gauge, or by using your local gas station air machine.
  4. Rotate your tires. Rotating your tires should be incorporated into your annual maintenance routine because this can minimize un-even tread on the road, reduce engine strain, and decrease road noise.

Summer car maintenance tip #2: Windshield, windows, and wiper check

To make sure your car looks great for the summer season, inspect the exterior. Are there any cracks or scratches on the glass? Can you see through the windows a little too well from the outside? These may be indicators to get a fresh tint or have the glass replaced to revamp your vehicle.

You should also check your wiper blades for signs of wear and tear. The last thing you want is streaks all over your windshield that can obstruct your view! Wiper blades need to be replaced periodically. If your wiper blades are too rusty or too noisy, we recommend replacing them.

Summer car maintenance tip #3: Brakes inspection

Your brakes are extremely important for your safety and for the safety of others on the road! To make sure you have no problems this summer, check out your brake pads to see if they have started to thin out. If you are unsure about what to look for, get a mechanic to inspect them.

Summer maintenance tip #4: Fluids check

Your car needs many different fluids to stay in good condition and run smoothly, just as you have to drink a lot of water on a hot day to stay hydrated.

  • Take your car in for its regular oil change at the start of the season.
  • While you’re in for your oil change, your mechanic usually checks to see if you need the auto transmission and brake fluids refilled. We recommend getting this done every 50,000 to 160,000 kilometers.
  • As it gets hot outside, inspecting your coolant levels is all the more important. An overheated engine is a risk you don’t want to take!
  • Finally, top up your windshield wiper fluid with a summer formula that helps break down bugs. This is a task that can easily be done at home and will keep your windshield nice and clear from smear!

Additional Summer Car Maintenance Tips

Prevent unpleasant car smells

  • Tape a dryer sheet on the air conditioning.
  • Keep extra dryer sheets for spares.
  • Wipe down your seats.

Avoid too-hot-to-handle steering wheels

  • Turn the steering wheel 180 degrees after parking your car.
  • The side you touch will be facing away from the sun while you're out.

Check if your tire tread is ok

  • Insert a nickel between the tire treads with Queen Elizabeth’s crown facing towards you and down.
  • If you can see the top of the crown, your tires need to be replaced.

Don’t stop at summer car maintenance - review your car insurance policy too

As you get your car into tip-top shape, it’s also a good time to review your car insurance policy and ensure it’s up to date. Consult with a car insurance expert from BrokerLink now. You can even visit our website for a quick quote!

FAQs on summer car maintenance tips

Can extreme summer heat affect my car’s battery performance?

Although many think winter cold has a big impact on car batteries, summer heat has the potential to be tougher on your car battery. This is because the hot temperatures can increase the heat under your hood and accelerate battery failure if not properly monitored.

Should I worry about driving on hot road surfaces during summer?

You may worry about hot roads if your car still has winter tires on, however, there are other things to be cautious of during the hot summer months. For example, when roads are extremely hot, they can produce a mirage effect that can impair drivers’ vision on the road.

Why is it a bad idea to leave a water bottle inside my car in summer?

As the sun heats up the inside of your car, it becomes dangerous to leave plastic water bottles for an extended period of time. This is because chemicals in the plastic can leak into your water, making it unsafe to drink.